Somatic signs of ancestral trauma

Somatic signs of ancestral trauma

Ancestral trauma often lodges itself in our bodies. Look out for things like chronic tension, digestive issues, or unexplained physical pain. Our bodies carry the stories of our ancestors, and addressing these somatic signs can be a powerful way to unravel the past.
  • Dissociation and depersonalisation
  • Feeling disconnected from legs
  • Womb dissociation, feeling heavy or blocked
  • Inability to ground oneself
  • Difficulty feeling own emotions
  • Struggling to find meaning from body sensations or life events
  • Blocked solar plexus and throat (sense of self and self-expression)
  • Inner child is frozen in time and feels trapped
  • Emotions triggering fatigue or shame
  • Feeling of reliving pain that isn’t even ours.
  • Recurring dreams or nightmares related to ancestral memories

Ready to work with me?

Are you a woman who has ever experienced the pain of feeling invisible, ignored, and devoid of worth? I am here to extend my support and guide you through a transformative journey of empowerment. By integrating spiritual and feminine embodiment practices with ancestral and womb healing techniques, I enable you to rise above these struggles and embrace a newfound awakening as a empowered woman. Together, we will weave together the threads of your inner strength and resilience, empowering you to reclaim your rightful place in the world.