physical symptoms of ancestral trauma

Physical Signs of Unhealed Ancestral Trauma

Unhealed ancestral trauma can manifest in various physical signs. People might experience chronic stress, fatigue, or even specific health issues that seem to have no clear cause. It’s like our bodies holding onto the stories of our ancestors.


  • Tension and tightness in the jaw
  • Teeth grinding
  • Chronic neck pain
  • Constant stiffness in the neck
  • Stuck or solid feeling in the atlas, located at the base of the neck
  • Persistent shoulder tension and stiffness not relieved with bodywork
  • Raised or hunched shoulders
  • Brain fog
  • Migraines
  • Hearing issues
  • Fragmented memory
  • Insomnia and disrupted sleep
  • Spinal issues and misalignment unrelated to physical injury
  • Misaligned sacrum
  • Overactive sacral nerves
  • Hip misalignment, with one hip higher than the other
  • Inflammation and stiffness of fascia, particularly around the lower back
  • Fragile bones, experiencing aching and osteoarthritis at a young age
  • Undiagnosed and mysterious degenerative conditions
  • Toxicity in the body despite fasts, detoxes and diet changes
  • Chronic digestive issues
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Adrenal fatigue
  • Kidney stones / kidney inflammation
  • Kidney disease / Liver disease
  • Obesity
  • Cancer
  • Fibroids,
  • Endometriosis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Nervous system dysregulation
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Birth trauma and in utero stress

Ready to work with me?

Are you a woman who has ever experienced the pain of feeling invisible, ignored, and devoid of worth? I am here to extend my support and guide you through a transformative journey of empowerment. By integrating spiritual and feminine embodiment practices with ancestral and womb healing techniques, I enable you to rise above these struggles and embrace a newfound awakening as a empowered woman. Together, we will weave together the threads of your inner strength and resilience, empowering you to reclaim your rightful place in the world.